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Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) template

Learn how to create a comprehensive Performance Improvement Plan to boost employee performance and drive success in the workplace.
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What is a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)?

A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a document that outlines an employee's performance issues and provides a plan for how the employee can address and improve their performance. This type of plan is often used in the workplace when an employee is not meeting expectations or goals, and it can be used by both employers and employees to ensure that the employee is able to reach their goals. The plan outlines specific goals, objectives, and strategies that the employee must adhere to in order to improve their performance.

Performance Improvement Plans can guide employers and employees alike by providing a clear, focused plan of action that can be easily implemented. It can also help ensure that the employee is held accountable and that goals are met in a timely manner. The plan should include a timeline for when the goals should be completed, as well as a clear outline of any feedback that should be given to the employee. The plan should also include any resources or tools that the employee may need to reach their goals.

Finally, a Performance Improvement Plan provides a structured and logical approach to addressing and improving any performance issues. By outlining a plan of action, employers and employees can work together to ensure that goals are met and that employees are properly supported in their journey to reach.

The benefits of using a PIP template

There are a number of benefits to using a Performance Improvement Plan, including improved accountability, clarity, improved performance, and structure.


A Performance Improvement Plan template can help to ensure that both employers and employees are held accountable for any performance issues that arise. By having a plan in place, employers can be sure that any issues are addressed in a timely manner and that goals are met. The plan should also include a timeline for when the goals should be completed.


A Performance Improvement Plan template can provide clarity around any performance issues, assisting employers to better understand the problem and identify the best solutions. The plan should be designed to provide a clear and focused plan of action that can be easily implemented.

Improved Performance

By using a Performance Improvement Plan template, employers and employees alike can work together to set achievable goals and objectives, helping to improve performance over time. The plan should include any resources or tools that the employee may need to reach their goals, as well as a clear outline of any feedback that should be given to the employee.


Finally, a PIP can provide a structured and logical approach to addressing and improving any performance issues. By outlining a plan of action, employers and employees can work together to ensure that goals are met and that employees are properly supported in their journey to reach their goals.

How to create a Performance Improvement Plan?

Creating a Performance Improvement Plan template is an important step in addressing any performance issues in the workplace. A well-crafted plan make sure that goals are achieved in a timely manner and that any feedback given is clear and effective. To guide employers create an effective PIP template, there are a few key steps to follow.

Step 1 - Identify and assess the performance issue

The first step is to identify and assess the performance issue. It is important to be clear on the problem that needs to be addressed and to determine what goals need to be met to improve the employee's performance.

Step 2 - Define the goals and strategies

Once the issue has been identified, an action plan should be created that outlines the specific goals, objectives, and strategies that the employee must adhere to in order to improve their performance.

Step 3 - Create a timeline

The next step is to create a timeline for when the goals should be met. This timeline should be clear and achievable, and should include any resources or tools that the employee may need to reach their goals. Finally, the action plan should include a clear outline of any feedback that should be given to the employee in order to help them reach their goals. This should relate to the performance review template to ensure coherence.

Step 4 - Clarify feedback sharing

Finally, the action plan should include a clear outline of any feedback that should be given to the employee in order to help them reach their goals.

By following these steps, employers can create an effective Performance Improvement Plan Template that can help improve performance over time.

Write your Performance Improvement Plan template with Slite

Not sure what to create your PIP with?

There are many good reasons to use Slite to document your performance improvement plans:

  • Centralization - with Slite, all your PIPs are centralized in one place.
  • Accessibility - Slite makes it easy to control access to your PIPs, so only the right people can read (and edit) them.
  • Customization - our customization features allow you to control the look and feel of your performance improvement plans.
  • Reminders - Slite will remind you when your PIP needs to be reviewed and updated

Ready? Get started for free!

3 Best Practices for Implementing a Performance Improvement Plan

When implementing a Performance Improvement Plan, it is important to ensure that it is clear. There are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Ensure that the plan is regularly reviewed and updated. This can help ensure that goals are being met and that any feedback given is clear and effective. Additionally, the plan should be regularly reviewed by both employers and employees to ensure that the goals are achievable and that any issues are addressed in a timely manner.
  • Make sure that any resources or tools that the employee may need to reach their goals are readily available. Additionally, employers should make sure to provide any necessary support or training for the employee in order to help them reach their goals.
  • Provide feedback in a timely and constructive manner. This way the employee is able to make any necessary changes to improve their performance.

In conclusion, a Performance Improvement Plan template can be a great tool to address and improve any performance issues.

The plan should outline specific goals, objectives, and strategies that the employee must adhere to in order to improve their performance. By following some key steps and tips, employers can create an effective PIP that can help improve performance over time.

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