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Free Customizable Project Plan Template

Using a project plan template is a simple and effective way to organize your project plan. With Slite, your project plan templates can be as complicated or as simple as you want them to be. Get your customizable template here!
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What is a Project Plan Template?

A project plan template is a pre-designed structure that outlines the essential components and procedures required to complete a project successfully.Project planning templates can serve as a valuable tool for project managers as it allows them to efficiently and effectively create a well-organized project plan tailored to the specific needs of their project.

Imagine that you're on day one of working on a new project. That new project is the planning and execution of your company's annual conference, which will take place in 6 months....hopefully you have a solid project plan in place!All jokes aside, your project plan template will outline all the steps that you and your team members need to take between day one and the day of your annual conference for it to be a roaring success. It will act as a roadmap guiding you through the project planning process, reminding you of deliverables, milestones, and benchmarks along the way. View our project outline template here for more information.

Project Plan Examples

Simple Project Plan Examples

A simple project plan helps you see the big picture clearly and focus on the important details. A sample project plan template lets you better map out the necessary processes and steps and avoid distractions.

Project Management Plan Template

Project management plans differ from simple project plan examples because they include executive summaries, Gantt charts and timelines, stakeholder or team charts, risk assessments and communication and resource sub-plans that are important to project managers.

IT Project Plan Example

An IT project plan example template should include space to list the IT project’s tasks, resources, costs, time, deliverables, and final goals. This will help you manage the project’s scope and schedule.

How to Create Your Own Project Plan Template

1. Access Slite's template library

Slite offers a library of project planning templates for various purposes. To access our templates, create a Slite account or log in to your existing account, then navigate to the template library.

2. Select a Project Plan Template

Choose a project planner template that best fits your project's needs and aligns with your team's workflow. Look for templates that include key components such as project goals, scope, timeline, roles and responsibilities, budget, and risk management plan.

3. Laying the Groundwork

Before you start your project management plan template, make sure that you've done all your homework! You'll need to have a crystal clear idea of your project's needs, general context, and objectives.To do this, meet with your client and/or other key project stakeholders. You'll need to understand their specific visions for the project, as well as their expectations throughout the project's life cycle.

Pro Tip: Don't shy away from asking direct questions at this stage. The more you understand your client's vision for this project, the better. Your future self will thank you.

4. Putting Together a Dream Team Structure

Now that you have a strong understanding of your new project, determine the dream team you want to work on it. Think of project manager(s), team members, and potential external collaborators.Depending on the specific project and project size, these positions may span across different departments and companies.

Once you have a clear understanding of your project's needs and objectives and have assembled your dream team, you can use your customized template for planning a project to organize and manage it effectively.

5. Brainstorming An Outline

Now that you've put together the perfect framework, use that to get your project plan off the ground. Make project planning a collaborative process and use the strengths of diverse team members to your advantage. With your customized template for project planning, you can keep everyone on the same page and ensure that all aspects of the project are covered. Don't be afraid to edit, rewrite, and edit again until your plan is just right!

6. Save & Share with Your Team

It's a good idea to save your customized project plan template for later use as a reference or even as a project plan template example for future projects. Having multiple project plan templates ready can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. Instead of starting from scratch every time you need to plan a new project, you can use your existing template as a starting point and simply make the necessary modifications. ...voila! You're well on your way to putting together a solid project plan template. Enjoy the ride! We'll be waiting to hear about your project's successes.

Key Elements of a Project Plan Template

Project goals and objectives

The template of a project plan must clearly state project goals and objectives. It should identify what the project needs for a successful completion, and give a clear description of how it benefits stakeholders and your organization.

Project Scope

Project scope is a list of specific project goals, tasks, costs, deadlines, and deliverables. When it comes to project plans, templates also need to specify what is not part of your project to avoid mission creep and lack of team focus.


This section includes general project schedules, timelines, processes, and deliverables. This addresses what steps need to be taken to work towards the final product. It can also include a work breakdown structure (WBS). The project goals template should outline key project milestones and deadlines, as well as start and end dates for each phase of the project.

Roles and responsibilities

Your project planning document template should describe the roles and responsibilities of every team member involved in the project. This helps ensure everyone knows what is expected of them and stays on the same page.

Pro Tip: Make sure the voices of all stakeholders are heard in this section.

Communication Schedule

The communication schedule is a basic project plan template for tracking and documenting communication. It specifies tools and platforms used for communication as well as information and communications frequency and the parties responsible for conveying information.

Scope of Work (SoW)

The SoW template for a project management plan defines the project’s boundaries and deliverables and helps manage stakeholder expectations. It clarifies the purposes and goals of the project by identifying what is included in and excluded from the project.


Your project plan template should include all projected expenses, including materials, labor, and equipment. Your projected budget is a spending guideline, but you will need a certain amount of flexibility for contingencies or unexpected problems.

Risk Management

A project mapping template can help you with risk assessment, limitations, and dependencies. By compiling information on potential risks, you can develop an effective risk mitigation plan and monitor problem areas so you can handle problems that arise immediately.

Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Your project planner template should include a section that shows how the project team will monitor and measure progress, evaluate test and trial outcomes, and make adjustments to ensure project success.

Advantages of Having a Project Plan Template


A project plan template ensures that all project plans within an organization follow a consistent format and include all necessary information, making it easier to compare and evaluate projects.

It gives the project manager, project team, and project stakeholders a clear idea of the specific project's life cycle from project kickoff to its conclusion. You'll make everything transparent, decrease (bad) surprises, increase efficiency & clarity, and keep everyone on the same page.

We all know how much project stakeholders would love to be kept in the loop, right?

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

The more specific template of a project plan you have, the faster you get stuff done - plain and simple, such as this project kickoff template. Project plan templates are the perfect project management tool, allowing you to measure project progress against initial projections.

Early Alignment and Clarity

A project plan template will force you to answer the big questions right off the bat. Being aware of your new project's big picture from the beginning will make the planning process easier every step of the way.

Saves You Time and Money

Pre-designed project plan templates ensure that project team members are organized and know exactly what they're supposed to be doing from the get-go. Detailed project plans also provide accurate financial pictures when it comes to budgeting, making it less unlikely that you'll overspend or run into large costs that weren't accounted for. Phew!

Slite's Free Project Plan Template

Here at Slite, we want your next project to go off without a hitch. We don't want you to get unnecessarily bogged down with stress and confusion... we want you to be able to bask in the glow of your successful project!...that's where our free project plan template comes in. Don't let the prospect of project planning intimidate you! Your project team will be able to put together an effective, collaborative, and exciting project plan using our free project planning templates in no time.We can't wait to see what you come up with.

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